The EFT Process

EFT Tapping Points Chart
EFT Tapping Chart, Designed by Suzanne Gardner-Cuthbert, Photo by Fotolia

The description below is intended to describe a brief outline of the tapping process and is not intended to be an instruction on how to use EFT.  

During an EFT session you will use your fingertips to tap on the accupressure points.  I will tap with you to guide you through the process.  

Before the tapping commences, the emotional intensity of the issue is assessed on a scale rating of 0-10. With 10 being the most intense feeling. After this assessment, the process commences with tapping a point on the hand whilst verbalising the problem and finishing the sentence with a self acceptance statement. 

(Even though I have this______________I deeply and completely accept myself). 

After the tapping process on the hand has been completed three times, the other points are tapped. Starting from the head point and working down the body, self tapping each point, whilst verbalising a shortened statement and tuning into the problem. The rate of the emotional intensity is then reassessed. In most cases the original intensity of the issue will have reduced and a new scale rating is recorded. 

Further rounds of the full tapping procedure are completed (with a modified statement), until the emotional intensity of the issue has reduced to a zero (no intensity) or is at very low level.  


EFT Tapping Points Described

  • 1 - Crown, top of the head
  • 2 - Eyebrow
  • 3 - Side of the eye
  • 4 - Under the eye
  • 5 - In the groove under the chin
  • 6- Chin - in grove under lip
  • 7- Collarbone point - 
  • 8- Under arm (4 inches)
  • 9 - Karate chop point - side of the hand-area in between wrist and little finger